Friday, April 22, 2016

Talk Show

Talk Show

By Matt Wise

            If I was a talk show host and I could invite anyone character from The Devil in the White City, I would invite Holmes; the serial killer. It would be interesting to ask him questions about his past or anything like that. Maybe something happened in the past that made him be this way. I would first start off by asking why? If he does not give a good reason I would go in depth and detail to find out. I would ask about any childhood nightmares or if anyone ever treated him wrongfully. I would ask him about his education because he seems like a really smart guy. He knows the ways of the business world, for example, his plan to burn the hotel to get insurance money after the fair ended. He also is a wealthy man. He knows how to charm the women. I would ask him how he does that. I would then ask about his killings. How he comes up with the ways he kills. Why he does not like to kill face to face, but be close enough to hear them die. I wonder how he is so sneaky. He goes around with women while he is also married and his wife never finds out. How he manages to hide the bodies and give them to doctors for practice without them wondering where he gets these bodies from. There is a lot I would ask Holmes. A lot of interesting facts could come out of Holmes. Maybe the key to why he is killing people.

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