Wednesday, February 24, 2016



Matt Wise

Honor can be defined in many different ways. If I was told to teach honor to incoming freshman at BVHS, I would teach them the ways of the real world after college. The world will not always be nice to you. I will teach them about getting work done as number one. Getting your work done shows you are responsible, it will help to the future when you have your career started and you get overwhelmed with work. Many students at BVHS complain that we are given too much work or our school is horrible at teaching. But actually this school prepares you well for college, all you have to do is get work done, listen, and be honest. I will speak about honesty, but in the business world, honesty is barely a thing. People will be honest, but it will not always get you somewhere. For example, a resume may not always be honest, you may have to put things on it that are not you. You just want them to make you look good. Politics are the worst about honesty, they lie to everyone so they will get votes. Many people will say cursing should be in the honor system, but in college and in the business world, there are no cursing rules. As long as you are not calling your boss or anyone names, they do not care. Fighting should be high up there. A basketball team will not play good if everyone is fighting, so if everyone works together and is friendly then it will be easy to get through school. This is what I would say to incoming freshman, if I had to speak to them about honor.

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